Welcome to the United Women’s Council

To establish and promote opportunities to support, connect and grow women, through lobbying, mentoring, networking, creating strategic alliances, and developing and recognizing excellence in women.

Where did we begin?

The 2022 election in Kenya ushered in a new dispensation for women leaders. A group of professional women inspired by the women who ran for political office, came together to advocate for women leaders. From an initial number of 36, the group steadily grew to 500 women who are keen to lead in various spheres.

  • We believe in advancing gender equity to create a more fair and inclusive society, and we are dedicated to supporting women leaders as decision-makers, civic leaders, and peacemakers for both professional women and women at the grassroots. 
  • We work to empower women with the tools to work their way out of poverty, to support their families, to support their communities and gain the confidence to become stronger and more independent. 
  • We aim to produce relevant, trustworthy, and applicable research relevant to women’s issues. 
  • Advocate for public policies at all levels of government that address women’s issues.

Who makes up the UWC community?

Women like YOU! Have you ever reached a crossroads wondering how far you can go? Some have experienced roadblocks inherent in a system that’s not set up for women to succeed. Others have met personal challenges that have held them back. Yet, we are all dreaming of a brighter future. 

Program focus areas;

Women leadership

Financial and Investment Literacy

Women Empowerment

Life skills

Our immediate goal is to empower you to become the best version of yourself. To support, provide connections, insights, inspiration, and the opportunities you need to meet your potential.

We are grateful for our partners.