about us

The United Women’s Council is a non-partisan network of women who advocate for the advancement of women in their spheres of influence. 

Women leadership

Women Empowerment

Financial and Investment Literacy

Life skills

Why UWC?

Our immediate goal is empowering you to become the best version of yourself. To support, provide connections, insights, inspiration, and the opportunities you need to meet your potential. 

Meet our team

UWC is founded on the foundation of visionary women whose only goal is to contribute to the growth and endowment of all women as a unit.

Founding President

Njeri Kiereini

Vice President

Pauline Warui

Director Creative Arts

Dr. Zippy Okoth

Our Vision

Advancing the position of Women to lead in their sphere of influence.

Our Mission

To establish and promote opportunities to support, connect and grow women, through lobbying, mentoring, networking, creating strategic alliances, and developing and recognizing excellence in women.